Position Assessment
Understanding the requirements of the vacancy, clients
profile, culture and ethics to source the right candidate.
Advertising the vacancy and sourcing the right candidates
through job portals, professional network sites, headhunting
and direct/indirect references.
Screen and identity Candidates
Screening the right candidate after sorting through our wide
variety of resumes, based on client’s requirements. Later on,
a preliminary assessment is conducted during the first contact.
First Contact
First phone contact with the candidate in order to get to know
the company and its services. Ultimate goal of the first contact
is to arrange a Skype interview with the company.
Skype Interview
Register of the candidate’s personal information after
obtaining the consent which is important for continuing
the process (Report). Alongside, we record the candidate’s
wants and needs as we mention the job characteristics.
Profile Submission
Evaluation of the candidate from the company in
cooperation with the hospital or any other
health institution.
Appoint a Skype interview between the hospital
and the candidate with the presence of the
company’s representative.
Necessary Documents
Information and preparation of all the necessary
documents for the acquisition of the professional
BMC Services
In case the candidate is interested in improving his linguistic
skills in French, the company can help by providing courses
by specialized and certified staff. Alongside, Test Week
Coaching can be offered in case the candidate wants to be
appropriately prepared for the test week.
Test Week
In case of interest from the hospital’s side after the Skype
interview, a test week is arranged with the candidate.
Going to live abroad is a major decision for our future
candidates and their families and they should obtain a
wide range of information and advices before and after the
establishment in the new country.
Follow up
Tracking of the progress of the candidate
during the first months of employment in the
new working environment.